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Pain sans gluten

Bagels sans gluten

Mini Baguette sans gluten

Pains hotdog sans gluten

Pains burger sans gluten

Petits pains sans gluten

15g de protéines | 1g de sucre par muffin

16g de protéines | 2g de sucre par biscuit

Gluten Free Bread Premix (5kg)

Mélange pour crêpes protéinées sans gluten

Livraison 8.95$ au Québec et Ontario* (achat +49$)

Extending the shelf life of your bread (Video)

All our breads are shipped fresh.

We have researched and done dozens of tests and iterations to achieve s specific desired texture in our breads. We can safely say that our breads can be frozen for up to 2 months, but the most important is after thawing they perfectly maintain that texture and integrity without crumbling or having other undesired issues.